​Gold Hill
To restore Ti’lomikh Falls on the Rogue River in Gold Hill as a regional gathering place
that reminds us that we are each—in our own way—"people of the river"
To make the Gold Hill Whitewater Park accessible to more people in a variety of watercraft
by modifying the hazardous rapids in the channel known as Mugger’s Alley
To support events and programs including
the Salmon Ceremony, King of the Rogue Race, and Find Yourself on the Water
To create a venue worthy of holding the 2028 Olympic Whitewater events
Support Your Favorite Project Today!
Donate Online:
You can donate directly by clicking on the PayPal "Donate" button next to your project of choice. You will be directed to a PayPal donation page where you will be able to use a credit card or your PayPal account in the amount of your choosing.
Improve River Access (Trails, Bathrooms)
First Nations Monument and Bridge
Improving Whitewater Features
​ Teaching Kids to Paddle
​ Building Olympic Slalom Champions
Historical Site Signs & Education
The King of the Rogue Race
Unrestricted Funds​

Donate By Check:
Your generous donations can be made payable to Gold Hill Whitewater Center and mailed to:
Gold Hill Whitewater Center
1275 Upper River Rd.
Gold Hill, OR 97525
*You may designate which project that you would like to support, by writing it on your check.
The Gold Hill Whitewater Center Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity. All donations are tax deductable.