Gold Hill
To restore Ti’lomikh Falls on the Rogue River in Gold Hill as a regional gathering place
that reminds us that we are each—in our own way—"people of the river"
To make the Gold Hill Whitewater Park accessible to more people in a variety of watercraft
by modifying the hazardous rapids in the channel known as Mugger’s Alley
To support events and programs including
the Salmon Ceremony, King of the Rogue Race, and Find Yourself on the Water
To create a venue worthy of holding the 2028 Olympic Whitewater events
Restoring Ti'lomikh:
Grandma Aggie and the Storytelling Stone

Grandma Agnes Baker Pilgrim, the oldest living Takelma Indian, on what may be the Storytelling Stone, one of two stone chairs used in the ancient Salmon Ceremony at Ti'lomikh Falls.

Ti'lomikh was a large Takelma village where Daldal, the Great Dragonfly, brought the Salmon Ceremony to bring peace to the tribes, who were killing each other over fish. The pool below Ti'lomikh Falls was where the Salmon People gathered every year. All the surrounding tribes attended the Salmon Ceremony.

Meanwhile the Stories continue... Stay tuned!

Grandma Agnes Baker Pilgrim, the oldest living Takelma Indian, on what may be the Storytelling Stone, one of two stone chairs used in the ancient Salmon Ceremony at Ti'lomikh Falls.
*Click on the photo to read the captions.